(813) 986-5456 info@indoorshooting.us

Deals & Offers

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Indoor Shooting Company | Ladies Shoot Free Fridays | Tampa, Florida
Indoor Shooting Company | 10% Military Discount | Tampa, Florida
Indoor Shooting Company | FREE Police Range | Tampa, Florida

Firearm Skill Lessons

Do you want to learn one skill at a time, on a time crunch, or just have that “one thing” you need help with? Our custom training will take your shooting to the next level!  We offer “à-la carte” skill training at Indoor Shooting Company. You can select any of our lessons listed below so you can hone in your skill of choice.

Locked & Loaded Lady

This is not going to be your ordinary concealed carry class! You will walk away with the confidence and ability to confidently handle a firearm.  The course has been designed to take the levels in order.  LEVEL I is a pre-requiste class, which once completed will provide a certificate that can be used to apply for your Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License.

Concealed Carry Class

We offer a private Concealed Weapons Permit Class, by appointment.  Classes are available 7 days a week.  The course completion will provide you with the prerequisite certification needed to obtain a Florida Concealed Weapon & Firearms License.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Saturday 9am-9pm

Sunday 9am-7pm

Ready To Book A Firearm Skill Lesson?

Let one of our professional NRA Instructors assess your current skills and design a custom plan to get your shooting to the level you want. Skill Lessons 30 minutes for only $35, including lane fee.