(813) 986-5456 info@indoorshooting.us

Live Fire Pistol & Rifle Simulator range

Real Ammo. Real Guns. Not a Laser game, real life training.
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Take your training to the next level.

Most people who use a shooting range are used to shooting a static target in a controlled atmosphere.  When placed in a simulator many people find it very challenging to focus on their sight alignment and trigger control.  All the skills we focus on in a normal static range are put to the test in our Thermal Live Fire Training Simulator.

In the simulator you are having to use all your senses.  There’s surround sound, people yelling, guns going off – even though you know it’s not a real scenario, it’s elevating your heart rate and you are having to shoot accurately through the scenario environment.

The simulator works off thermal cameras and as the shooter engages the screen with live ammunition and real guns, the system picks up using thermal imaging from the heat of the round as it passes through the screen. Relaying that information back to the computer and the scenarios advance based on the shot placement.

This system was developed for military and law enforcement agency use. It is used around the world for this type of training.  There are hundreds of different scenarios.

Our Live Fire Simulator Training is used with Real Live Ammo, no lasers

Your Firearm.

Your Ammo.

Your Training.

Our Thermal Live Fire Simulator system is one of a kind in the Tampa Bay area. It enables the use of real live fire ammunition rounds (not a laser game, actual real ammo) with interactive HD video scenarios, Virtual Graphics targets, and multi-lane marksmanship training solutions.

Rifles and pistol calibers are all allowed to be used in the self contained training range.

Only $25/ shooter for 30 minutes time in our live fire simulator

Ready To Book The Live Fire Simulator?

The Live Fire Simulator Range is available daily from 9am – 9pm.

While we introduce this one of a kind training experience to the Tampa Bay area, enjoy 30 minutes in our training simulator for only $25*/ shooter.

Click below to book time in this incredible offer.

*price does not include gun rentals or ammunition

Rifles and pistols are welcome in the live fire simulator

Concealed Carry Class

We offer a private Concealed Weapons Permit Class, by appointment.  Classes are available 7 days a week.  The course completion will provide you with the prerequisite certification needed to obtain a Florida Concealed Weapon & Firearms License.

Firearm Skill Lessons

Do you want to learn one skill at a time, on a time crunch, or just have that “one thing” you need help with? Our custom training will take your shooting to the next level!  We offer “à-la carte” skill training at Indoor Shooting Company. You can select any of our lessons listed below so you can hone in your skill of choice.

Locked & Loaded lady

This is not going to be your ordinary concealed carry class! You will walk away with the confidence and ability to confidently handle a firearm.  The course has been designed to take the levels in order.  LEVEL I is a pre-requiste class, which once completed will provide a certificate that can be used to apply for your Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Saturday 9am-9pm

Sunday 9am-7pm

Ready To Book A Firearm Skill Lesson?

Let one of our professional NRA Instructors assess your current skills and design a custom plan to get your shooting to the level you want. Skill Lessons 30 minutes for only $35, including lane fee.